Les citations de la saison 8 de Dr House
Toutes les phrases cultes prononcés dans les épisodes du Docteur House sont listées ici.
Vous pourrez les lires en deux langues : en version originale (VO) et version française (VF).
Les citations en version française sont tirés des DVDs.
8.01 : Twenty Vicodin Voir la fiche
House : Yeah, why would I want to make sure that my homicidal cellmate is taking the right antipsychotics ?
House : You know what weirder is how the clinic is a large room, and you somehow confused me with it.
House : That look of shock is elitist and offensive. Docters can be degenerates, this is America.
House : Remember we taked about this ? At least I talked and you stared at me eerily.
House : Belief implies a level of giving a crap, that I am never gonna achieve.
House : I'm trying to listen to your lungs, not your self-pity.
House : Me and humanity, we got together too young.
8.02 : Transplant Voir la fiche
House: I completely understand and almost respect your desire to appear to be Dean of Medicine, given that your title is Dean of Medicine. On the other hand, seriously ?
House: Druggies are not known for their honesty. Trust me on this one.
House: I thought the bracelet was decorative my aunt had one just like it. Wait a minute.
House : Running away from home is a time-honored tradition but you're not doing it to flee your parents, you're doing it to protect them. That's an insult to everything teen prostitutes have worked for.
House: See ? I smell empathy.
House: You should remember the good times. Like when I gave you that necklace and you just dumped it in the ocean. What were you thinking ?
House: Embrace your inner bitch.
8.04 : Risky Business Voir la fiche
House : The good news is it's treatable with medication. The bad news is it can make you very, very late, for important dates.
House : My god you have super human discipline and glutes.
House : The best halloween costumes are always the ones that need an explanation.
House : Do you really believe in this diagnosis ? Because if this is just a pissing contest you are at a severe anatomical disadvantage.
House : Even a broken doctor is right twice a day.
8.05 : The Confession Voir la fiche
House : The prodigal son has returned. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go slaughter a fatted calf for lunch.
House : I'm an ex-con trying to adjust to a world that passed me by. Stealing's all I know.
House : And old team for the win. Not that I'm keeping score. It's more of a grid where I assign numerical values to determine who gets raises, vacation time and my respect.
House : Aw, that is cute. I'm talking about your breasts. They always get perky when you're being painfully honest.
House : Truth. It's unconfortable isn't it ?
8.06 : Parents Voir la fiche
House : Who's better qualified to be the daddy ? The guy who spilled a little DNA into her gene pool or the guy's who's gonna there day and night to pass on important values like not schtupping mommy after the divorce.
House : Weight loss is a symptom of diabetes, fatigue is a symptom of thinking you have a disease that you don't actually have and sluggishness is a symptom of fatigue.
House : That would be redundant, when I have an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
House : Imaginary medicine is not my speciality. I do have an imaginary friend who's just send me an imaginary page. You can imagine how sorry I am.
House : You have a bad case of irony
House : Following your heart is easy, following you brain is tough. Especially, after years of following that much smaller third organ.
House : It's normal to be screwed up. It's really screwed up to romanticize it.
8.07 : Dead and Buried Voir la fiche
House : Bigotry is born when we add modifiers. I don't see creed, color, pulse...
House : Have you ever heard of the north American man dead boy love association ?
House : Nowhere, he said cryptically
House : It's amazing what people will tell you if you ask rudely enough.
House : You know, there are platitudes that can help you with that.
8.08 : Perils of Paranoia Voir la fiche
House : What, the wiliness with which Foreman ruled out anxiety or his complete wiliness-less-ness before he met me ?
House : Dangerous people don't break into your house, they live in it.
House : There's only one way to settle this. Actually there is two but we don't have enough Jello for the first.
House : That's med-speak for "she's an idiot".
House : Ability isn't always enough. Just ask YNGWIE MALMSTEEN.
8.09 : Better Half Voir la fiche
House : With great power comes great micromanaging. And great vests.
House : Unless... Unless I need to say, "Mother, may I ?" And "Mother" is an abbreviation.
House : Lots of people don't have sex, the only people who don't want it are either sick, dead, or lying.
8.10 : Runaways Voir la fiche
House : Pay the man. He is late for a trashcan fire.
House : Are you not gonna introduce us because we're married ? Oh no, wait, that's her.
House : One of us is in the wrong time zone, and if it's me I need to speak to a stockbroker and anyone from the Kennedy family, in that order.
House : I'd turn around and shoot you but apparently I'd miss.
House : How I missed the sweet smell of stinking it to the man.
House : As much as your presence may cause objects to be become engorged with blood, sometimes aneurisms just aren't in the mood.